CFCW Board Member Chauncey Goss elected SFWMD Governing Board Chairman

March 14, 2019

“You do work for the taxpayers. And we all expect a little better.” – Chauncey Goss

Only a few short months ago, our board member, Chauncey Goss, stood before the corrupt SFWMD Governing Board and spoke these words.

The South Florida Water Management District is a powerful government agency, responsible for managing and protecting water resources of South Florida. As an agency funded partially by taxpayer dollars, it is their responsibility to operate in a manner that takes the public’s interests into consideration; especially when their decisions affect the fate of the Everglades and the future of our way of life. 

From November 2018 to January 2019, the actions of the SFWMD Governing Board blatantly contradicted their duty to serve the interests of the taxpayers. Their decisions weighed in the favor of special interests and, historically, this would have gone unnoticed by the conveniently-uninformed public. This is unacceptable.

We released this video to inform the public how their tax dollars were being spent. Only then, could the board be held accountable for their decisions.

Governor DeSantis rebuilds the SFWMD Governing Board

As Governor Ron DeSantis took office on January 8, 2019, his first order of business was fixing Florida’s water crisis by advancing Everglades restoration; but first, he had to remove any roadblocks.

Gov. DeSantis called for the resignations of the rogue governing board and, eventually, their house of cards crumbled. DeSantis has rebuilt a new, diverse board with individuals who are committed to Florida’s water quality and serving in the interest of the people and our environment.

Chauncey Goss elected Chairman of the SFWMD Governing Board

Today, Chauncey Goss was just elected as the newest Chairman of the South Florida Water Management District Governing Board. Goss serves as a member of Captains for Clean Water’s Board of Directors and has done an incredible amount for our organization. He is a public servant who has the experience, knowledge, and dedication required to transform the South Florida Water Management District.

We believe that Goss’s commitment to principle and integrity will ensure the agency operates in the transparent and accountable manner that we as taxpayers deserve. Please join us in congratulating Chauncey Goss!
