Dear Supporters,
Florida’s water crisis this year quickly became one of the most important issues of the 2018 election. Since Captains for Clean Water is a 501(c)(3) organization, the IRS prohibits us from getting involved in elections by endorsing or opposing candidates. For us, the hard work begins immediately after the election.
Many politicians have made promises to fix our water, yet very few have shared specific plans that are ready to execute. That’s what we’re here for. We will be watching their actions closely to make sure they follow through on their promises to help clean up our waters. In addition, Captains for Clean Water is a resource for our elected officials to tap into and learn how they can help drive solutions.
Clean water shouldn’t be a partisan issue. It’s something all Floridians depend on. A quick glance at your Facebook feed is all it takes to realize that this issue has caused partisanship and divide amongst friends and families. That has to end when the polls close. We can’t change the results of the election after it’s over. The special interests that benefit from the status quo water mismanagement are smart. They develop relationships with all politicians and count on the public to be divided and confused.
If we’re not all standing together working with the newly elected officials, then we will not see meaningful progress to save our waters.
Captains for Clean Water is ready to work with all elected officials to continue to advance Everglades restoration. And we’ll need your support, too. We need you to contact the next Governor, let them know how important this issue is to you, and challenge them to do more for the Everglades than they promised during their campaign. If the candidate you voted for lost, keep an open mind to working with the person that won to make progress on saving our waters. If the candidate you voted for won, hold them accountable to the promises they made, and challenge them to do more.
If you haven’t voted yet—put down your phone and get to the polls. Florida’s future depends on it.
Thank you for your continued support.
Capt. Daniel Andrews
Executive Director