Our mission is to restore and protect Florida’s waters for the use and enjoyment of all, but WHY we do that is because we think the PEOPLE deserve to be in control of the health of our waters.

We believe that the welfare of our treasured places—and the fish that call them home—should be in the hands of the folks whose lifestyles, livelihoods, and adventures depend on it. ⁠

When you set out to take on the silver king, you deserve to do it in clean water and a healthy habitat—that’s what we’re fighting to protect.

Whether you’re going after your first tarpon or your fiftieth, we’re fighting to make sure it won’t be your last shot, that our water quality will provide you with plenty more chances to chase the prehistoric beast long into the future.

By working to advance critical restoration efforts, like Everglades restoration, we’re seeing progress to improve the water quality that tarpon and other game fish depend on throughout south Florida, but there’s still a lot of work left to do, and we need your help.

Join us so we can restore these waters together. When we do, our adventures will be filled with more time bowing to the king, more sights, sounds, and smells of a thriving ecosystem, and less time looking for the wild world we once knew.

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Stop looking back to what was.

Fight for what these wild places can and should be.

Gear to get you through your first or fiftieth battle...