Thank you for using your voiceYOUR SUPPORT WAS HEARD!

A message from our founders…

“Thank you for taking the time to make your voice heard on Everglades restoration funding. The positive momentum we’ve seen at both state and federal levels is encouraging but not guaranteed. That’s where your voice comes in and your involvement has proven to make a difference. $725 million in federal funding is a big ask, but correcting decades of water mismanagement will require a lot more.”

– CFCW Co-Founders
Daniel Andrews and Chris Wittman

So what's next?

Stay educated - Stay engaged

Ensuring sufficient funding for Everglades restoration is an ongoing battle. Every year, Captains will be at the forefront asking for maximum funding possible because without sufficient funding, infrastructure projects like the EAA Reservoir wouldn’t progress. We’ve seen what political stagnation can do and we won’t allow regression. We will continue being a champion for Everglades restoration every step of the way.
The best way to support our efforts is to stay engaged and share what we’re doing with friends and family. The Everglades need as many advocates as it can get.  

The Everglades needs as many advocates as it can get...

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